Agni Karma - reduce inflammation

AGNIKARMA is a treatment in which heat is applied to a particular part of body to reduce inflammation there and hence the underlying pain. Agni karma is carried out with a special instrument made of 5 metals (Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silver & Lead; also contains gold in some special ones), thus is named as Pancha Dhatu Shalaka. This instrument is heated and then stroked gently on the heel. After few strokes, aloe vera is applied to cool the part. Heat thus applied is strong enough to reduce inflammation but does not cause any burns or harm.
Plantar fasciitis or what is named as VATA KANTAKA in Ayurveda is a condition characterized with pain in feet more specifically in heels. The pain is unbearable when one keeps feet down for the first time in mornings or while keeping the feet down after a long duration. Pain seems as if one is WALKING ON GLASS.
Dr. Shipra Highly recommends Agni karma in Plantar fasciitis & Calcaneal Spur. In former the pain starts reducing drastically from 1st sitting itself and in few sittings the pain is completely cured. Though, in Calcaneal spur it requires more number of sittings depending upon the size of spur. Recurrence of problem is very rare after Agni karma.